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Tour Operator: Mýflug 1 hour Travel method:   Flying Region / Starts from: North Category: Tours and Activities

Askja and Herðubreið Sightseeing flight by airplane

A comprehensive tour over Iceland's largest caldera, Askja.

After viewing the surroundings of Lake Myvatn from the air you will fly to the South, over Ódáðahraun (the largest continous lava field in Iceland) towards Askja, which is a stratovolcano in the central highlands, reaching up to 4954 ft (1510 m.) in height and only is accessible few months of the year, except by air! 

Seen from the air you will get a more profound understanding of its unique geology and impressive molding of land. While returning we fly by Mt. Herðubreið, often called the Queen of Icelandic mountains.

From there we fly back to Lake Mývatn, over Hverfjall, Námafjall with the tour normally ending over Krafla before returning to Reykjahlid airfield.

Best price guarantee
No hidden costs
Very easy
Cancellation fees:
+ - No charge
< - 0% of total reservation value
No show - 100% of total reservation value