El mejor precio garantizado
El mejor precio garantizado
Tour Operador: Eco Trilha 8 horas Método de transporte:   Mini Bus / Coche Región / Punto de partida: Porto (Porto)

Caminata por el valle del Duero

Senderismo en el valle del Duero con degustación de vino de Oporto


Persona: desde 159€
Todas las edades

Mínimo de 2 personas para reservar

Punto de encuentro: recogida y devolución en el alojamiento en Braga u Oporto.

Dificultad: Fácil. Distancia: 3,8 km - 2,37 millas. Un aumento de altitud de 178 m


Temporada: La mejor época para hacer esta excursión de senderismo es el invierno, la primavera y el otoño.


  • Recogida y devolución en el alojamiento en Braga u Oporto.
  • Almuerzo en el valle del Duero
  • Guía durante todo el recorrido (de habla inglesa)
  • Regalo: botella de agua recargable y un sombrero por persona
  • Degustación de vino de Oporto en el valle del Duero (tres grandes vinos estándar)

No incluido

  • Seguro de viaje
  • Bebidas y comidas no especificadas
  • Entradas distintas a las mencionadas
  • Gastos telefónicos y personales


8 horas


  • Punto de encuentro en su hotel en Braga u Oporto a las 09:00 a.m.
  • A una hora y media en coche desde su hotel hasta el valle del Duero.
  • El conductor detendrá el coche en Pinhão, nuestra excursión por los viñedos del valle del Duero. Incluye un sombrero y una botella de agua. Nivel: Fácil. Tenemos una casa en medio del sendero. La casa tiene un baño y una sala de estar.
    Durante la caminata, podrá disfrutar de la paz del Duero y de una magnífica vista de este valle mundialmente famoso, declarado Patrimonio de la Humanidad por la UNESCO, mientras aprende sobre el terroir del Duero y su suelo, paisaje, clima y sus variedades de uva únicas. Caminarás por los viñedos, olivos, naranjos e higueras.
    +/- 13:00 h. Hora
  • de comer.
  • Visitaremos la estación de tren de Pinhão. Es el edificio más hermoso de la región. La estación de tren de Pinhão es famosa por sus azulejos
  • .
  • La última parada será en una bodega y degustaremos el delicioso vino de Oporto (que incluye tres vinos estándar).
  • Finalizaremos el recorrido en su hotel a las 17:00 horas.
  • Duración: 1 día.


  • Debe traer botas de montaña o zapatillas de tenis. Cuando hace calor afuera, recomendamos aplicar protector solar en las partes expuestas del cuerpo y un par de gafas de sol. Durante las estaciones más frías, es importante usar una capa adicional de ropa.
  • Tenga en cuenta que, si bien realizamos viajes exitosos en esta región durante todo el año, es posible que se produzcan algunos cambios en nuestros itinerarios debido a las inclemencias del tiempo y a los cambios estacionales comunes en los horarios y las rutas de transporte.
  • La comida incluida puede ser un buffet o un menú limitado. Eso está incluido: un plato principal, un postre, una bebida, un café o un té.
    Bebidas opcionales: vino portugués, coca cola o agua. No está incluido en el almuerzo: whisky u otro cóctel.
    Platos típicos que puedes probar para el almuerzo:
    Pan, aceitunas, vino y alheira (salchicha judía portuguesa ahumada hecha con carnes, generalmente de cerdo, ternera, pato, pollo, codorniz, conejo y pan).
    Chuleta de cerdo con arroz y col blanca.
    Frijoles blancos con tomate y tocino
    Guiso de cabra con salsa de patatas y tomate.
    Postre: borrachão (torta seca humedecida con vino de Oporto
  • ).
El mejor precio garantizado
Sin costes añadidos
We recognize that situations may change, and we're here to support you in the best way possible. Please review the following cancellation costs based on the timing of your cancellation.

If you book our services through a travel agency or tour operator, these terms and conditions do not apply. These Terms & Conditions are **only valid for travelers who pay directly through our website**.

**Reservation Validity**:
Your reservation is considered valid once we have received 100% of the total value for the service unless otherwise specified in writing.

**Cancellation Costs**:
We understand that circumstances can change, and we're here to assist you in the best way possible. Please note the following cancellation costs based on the timing of your cancellation:


**More than 35 days before the arrival date**:
We will provide a 100% refund of the total amount paid.
Alternatively, you have the option to receive a Gift Card (without a name and expiration date). This gives you the flexibility to plan your adventure with us whenever it suits you best. We value your understanding that refunds involve significant costs for our small company, and your support in this matter is truly appreciated as we continue to provide exceptional experiences while managing our resources effectively.

**34 to 20 Days Before Arrival**:
You have the flexibility to reschedule your booking free of charge.
Alternatively, you can receive a gift card for your deposit (without a name and expiration date), which can be used at a later date. No refund will be issued.

**19 to 1 Day Before Arrival**:
In this window, a cancellation will result in a charge of 100% of the reservation amount. Unfortunately, no refund will be provided.

**No Show on the Day of Service**:
If you fail to show up for your booked service, 100% of the total booking amount will be charged. No refund will be issued.


**More than 7 days before the arrival date**:
We will provide a 100% refund of the total amount paid.
Alternatively, you have the option to receive a Gift Card (without a name and expiration date). This gives you the flexibility to plan your adventure with us whenever it suits you best. We value your understanding that refunds involve significant costs for our small company, and your support in this matter is truly appreciated as we continue to provide exceptional experiences while managing our resources effectively.

**6 to 3 Days Before Arrival**:
You have the flexibility to reschedule your booking free of charge. You can receive a gift card for your deposit (without a name and expiration date), which can be used at a later date. No refund will be issued.

**2 to 1 Day Before Arrival**:
In this window, a cancellation will result in a charge of 100% of the reservation amount. Unfortunately, no refund will be provided.

**No Show on the Day of Service**:
If you fail to show up for your booked service, 100% of the total booking amount will be charged. No refund will be issued.


**Refunds 100%** of the total paid if the customer cancels **24 hours before the arrival date**. We're delighted to present an alternative: a **non-expiring Gift Card**, allowing you to plan your adventure at your convenience. Please understand that being a small company, refunding involves substantial costs. Your valuable support and understanding help us provide outstanding experiences while managing our resources efficiently.

**23 hours before the arrival date**: 100% of the total paid. No money return.

**No show** on the day of service is 100% of the total booking – No money return.

35 days before the arrival date: 100% of the total paid. No money return.
No show on the day of service is 100% of the entire booking – No refund money.

**GIFT CARD** is non-refundable and cannot be exchanged for cash.

**E-BOOK** is non-refundable. Once purchased, refunds cannot be provided.

It is a requirement to have a valid travel insurance policy when joining a tour.
It is highly requirement that all guests ensure coverage for themselves and their property before arrival. We particularly advise obtaining coverage for medical expenses, emergency evacuation, and trip cancellations. For the safety of its clients, Eco Trilha reserves the right to employ or authorize costly emergency evacuation or rescue measures (e.g., helicopters, ambulances) at the client's expense. [Get your quote today!](https://ecotrilha.pt/travel-insurance)

You are responsible for ensuring that the information provided to Eco Trilha is accurate and up-to-date. Any changes to your name on any booking are subject to Eco Trilha’s approval. Any changes to a booking depend on availability and are subject to the Tour Operator’s permission. Cancellation of any Tour, product, or service included in a booking will not be considered a change for this section's purposes. The applicable cancellation terms will govern it. No changes are permitted to any booking within 35 days of departure of the first product or service on the applicable booking.

Refunds will be made by the Cancellations and Refund Policy mentioned above. No additional refunds will be made for no-shows or any unused part of the itinerary, whether voluntary, caused by airline delay or cancellation, or any other factor beyond the control of Eco Trilha, including but not limited to acts of god (sickness, injury, poor health, weather, etc.) strike, detention, riot, war, quarantine, theft, civil disturbances, government regulations or restrictions, third-party or subcontractor negligence, or any other. No responsibility can be accepted for expenses incurred due to delay or change in schedule or other causes.


If travelers lose or forget personal items in the van or hotel, we will make every effort to retrieve and return these items. Please note the following terms regarding this service:

1. **Retrieval and Notification:**
- Upon discovering a lost item, we will notify the traveler using the contact information provided during booking.

2. **Shipping and Handling Charges:**
- We offer to send the retrieved items to the traveler's home address. However, this service will incur a shipping and handling fee.
- The fee will vary based on the size and weight of the item(s), as well as the destination address.

3. **Payment:**
- The traveler will be informed of the total cost prior to shipping.
- Payment must be made in full before the item(s) are dispatched.

4. **Timeframe:**
- We will dispatch the item(s) as soon as payment is received. Shipping times may vary based on the destination.

5. **Liability:**
- While we will take care to ensure the safe return of lost items, we are not liable for any damages or losses that occur during shipping.

6. **Unclaimed Items:**
- If items are not claimed within 30 days of notification, we reserve the right to dispose of them in accordance with local regulations.

By using our services, you agree to these terms regarding lost and found items.

Persons with medical conditions, dietary restrictions, or other health issues should inform Eco Trilha well before arrival. We reserve the right to disqualify anyone during the tour if their participation jeopardizes the group's safety or the tour's schedule.
Eco Trilha assumes no responsibility for special arrangements or issues experienced by passengers unable to participate in planned activities.
Special requirements must be disclosed at the time of booking. Eco Trilha will try to accommodate these needs, but this may not always be possible due to the nature of the destinations and itinerary.
Certain activities may be inaccessible if your mobility is limited. All food allergies and dietary restrictions must be disclosed at booking, but we cannot guarantee they can be accommodated.
Special requests do not form part of the contract with Eco Trilha, and we are not liable for any failure to fulfill such requests.
Punto de encuentro
Oporto, Oporto
Información importante

El punto de encuentro es en su hotel en Braga u Oporto a las 9:00 a.m. Nos pondremos en contacto con usted en breve para verificarlo


Dificultad: Fácil.


  • Recogida y regreso al alojamiento en Braga u Oporto

  • Almuerzo en el valle del Duero

  • Guía local

  • Regalo: botella de agua recargable y un sombrero por persona

  • Degustación de vino de Oporto en el valle del Duero (tres grandes vinos estándar)

No incluido

  • Seguro de viaje

  • Bebidas y comidas no especificadas

  • Entradas distintas a las mencionadas

  • Gastos telefónicos y personales


  • Debe traer botas de montaña o zapatillas de tenis. Cuando hace calor afuera, recomendamos aplicar protector solar en las partes expuestas del cuerpo y un par de gafas de sol. Durante las estaciones más frías, es importante usar una capa adicional de ropa.

  • La comida incluida puede ser un buffet o un menú limitado.

    Eso incluye: un plato principal, postre, bebida, café o té.

    Bebidas opcionales: vino portugués, cerveza, coca cola o agua.

    No está incluido en el almuerzo: whisky u otro cóctel
  • .
  • Tenga en cuenta que, si bien organizamos excursiones con éxito en esta región de Portugal durante todo el año, es posible que se produzcan algunos cambios en nuestras excursiones debido a las inclemencias del tiempo y a los cambios estacionales habituales en los horarios y las rutas de transporte.